

An amazon app redesign to drive faster conversions

Amazon is one of the largest online retailers, with access to numerous products. Due to this, users utilize Amazon as a platform to research products they are interested in. While Amazon makes purchasing convenient, researching products can become overwhelming. There is an overload of information with lack of hierarchy, preventing users in making purchase decisions easily and quickly. This app focuses on redesigning the information architecture to drive user down the purchase funnel quicker.

Project Type

Personal Project


App design, research, interaction Design, product strategy


To understand what information serves as most important to users when making purchasing decisions, I asked a series of questions to 20 Amazon users. This allowed me to narrow down to the top 5 important factors that help drive conversion.

customer Q&A
product comparison

Product Page Information architecture

With the knowledge of the 5 most important product information users value to drive a purchase, I started to analyze the current Amazon product page. In the current design, a lot of information was either hidden or took numerous scrolls to find.


Landing screen view displays repetitive product information.

Scroll 1

CTA buttons placed at the bottom of second scroll view.

Scroll 2

Sponsored products

Scroll 3

More sponsored products

Redesigned Product Page

Less scrolling with product information and call to action buttons easily accessible.

Design system

Amazon is a content heavy app. In order to keep consistency and find opportunities quicker. I created a design system for search results, product details, and the purchase flow.

Result Cards

The redesigned result cards use softer badging patterns creating a more inviting visual while also displaying the value of the product more effectively. The height of the card will also change based on the information used.

Product Cards on Home Screen

With the goal of driving faster conversion, the home screen would showcase products users have already viewed with a CTA button to allow users to quickly purchase the product from the home screen.

Amazon Redesigned

This redesign is focused on presenting users with information most important to them and finding opportunities to drive faster purchase decisions throughout the funnel.

Redesigned Product Page

A tab system is designed at the top of the product page so users can easily access important information regarding the product such as; product details, customer's Q&A, and reviews.

Search Results

In this redesign, users can purchase an item directly from the results page. As users continue their research through results and details page, this will add less strain in the purchasing flow.