
Focused on creating a personalized shopping experience for beauty products

With numerous beauty products available in our world, users find it difficult to search and purchase the right products unique to them. There is a lack of personalization, guidance and education. This app focuses on creating a solution to give users a more optimal way to find and shop for products more personalized to their needs.

Project Type

Personal Project


App Design, Logo Design, Visual Design

User Actions

Complete their own research to find the right beauty products for their skin type, tone and texture.

Time spent researching to find the right product.
Lack of knowledge on products and their benefits.

Cut research time by providing suggestions unique to preference and profile.

People problems

Finding a nearby store that carries product.
Time spent searching for product in store.

Provide easy access to product information such as availability and place of purchase.

Drive to store and test multiple products or ask store clerk for assistance.


If product is found - waits in line to purchase product

Time spent in line.

Easy and efficient purchase flow.

Adorn; to enhance the appearance of beautiful objects

Logo inspiration

With an emphasis on enhancing what is already beautiful, I looked to commonly used products that have been utilized to create or accentuate features/objects such as; a pencil , angled makeup brush and fan brush to inspire the the design patterns of the logo. The final logo uses similar angles, curves and form of these items.

The final design

With the final design there was a heavy focus on creating a clean and simple system. Online shopping can become overwhelming due to the large number of products available. The design of this app brings in softer color tones to help enable a sense of calmness as the user interacts with it. There is also a ton of information overload as user search for products that best fit their needs, so I wanted to utilize more white space to help users focus on information they find important.

Face scanning

When users set up their profile, the app will capture and scan an image of the their face to determine their skin texture, tone, and structure.

Profile questionnaire

While setting up their accounts, user are able to personalize product suggestions by selecting options only of importance to them.

Follow beauty experts

Users can follow and connect with beauty experts around the world.

See top picks

Users can see top picks for products, selected for them by beauty experts. Helping users find products unique to their profile.

Find beauty related articles

Users can find articles related to tips and tricks on many beauty topics.

Watch beauty tutorials

Users have access to watch in app video tutorials.