Project Type

Consumer based website and mobile project for Hotwire


Website design, mobile design, and research

Cross Functional Partners

Product Manager, Data Science, Engineers, and Research

Hot rate anchoring

Project focused on designing a solution to showcase the value of our hot rate hotels to standard rate hotels

While our current result page displays both Hot Rate and Standard Rate hotels, we want to encourage users to purchase more Hot Rates. The goal of this project was to design a system which allows our consumers to and see and understand the value of our Hot Rates. In return, driving higher conversion rates.

Understanding the Backend Model

I partnered with Data Science to understand all the backend models that would trigger the Standard Rate hotel anchoring type. This allowed me to understand different systems of comparisons users would be presented with. Providing me with information needed for me to start thinking about the right design solution.


I did research and read articles related to anchoring and comparisons. This helped me visualize different anchoring and comparison types. After understanding different ways to present information to the user that helps draw attention to a specific product, I started formulating ideas.


Finding the right solution for this project was a little complex. There were restrictions due to the styling of our current result cards, so as I started to explore ideas I had to think of solutions that could work around this.

Current Result Page

At the top of the results page we display a top deal of the day Hot Rate hotel, which is currently not anchored to a Standard Rate card. There would be no changes to the styling or design of the result cards in this project.


After going through many explorations for this project. We decided that the best solution to anchor our Hot Rate hotels was to display a module that would make it easier for users to find and understand the value. Through this solution, I iterated on the way we would display the information allowing users to easily capture the value of our Hot Rates.

Button to Module Solution

Using the affordance of a button, we can track and record the engagement. This would help us understand user intent, while also allowing us to understand how useful the feature is in driving conversion.

Module Iteration 1

There was a lot of content in the first iteration, which can be noisy and confusing for users.

module Iteration 2

Removes some of the content for quicker visual scanning.

Module Iteration 3

Provides more prominence on savings for Hot Rate hotels, so users can quickly understand the value difference.

FInal Design

The final design was designed as a mobile first solution, but also includes the web version.